If you are interested in learning more about Feng Shui, there are plenty of online and offline courses that you can attend.
In this article, you will find a list of the top 12 online Feng Shui courses so that you may choose the one that best suits your needs.
For each course, you will find a balanced review that will hopefully help you make an informed decision. Let’s get right into it!
1. Fully Accredited Professional Diploma Course in Feng Shui by Dr. Karen E. Wells

Dr. Wells is a qualified hypnotherapist who has developed over 130 courses and has helped thousands of people set up a thriving therapy business. The course in question is available on the internationally-acclaimed learning and teaching platform Udemy.
Upon its completion, students will receive an accredited diploma in Feng Shui that they can use to build their therapy business.
The course covers a wide range of topics related to Feng Shui, including:
- How to use Feng Shui to promote positive energy within one’s environment (both domestic and professional).
- How to use the Bagua and the Chinese Body Clock.
- How to identify and remove energetic obstructions.
- How to implement Feng Shui in any area of one’s home, including a garden space.
- How to interpret floor plans.
Students do not need to have previous knowledge of Feng Shui to be able to attend Dr. Wells’ course. Dr. Wells’ course is designed in such a way as to teach the fundamental principles of Feng Shui, thus allowing students to implement such principles into their daily lives.
For those who already work in the alternative medicine and therapy field, the course will equip them with a new set of skills that they may use to support their clients in an even more effective manner.
2. Classical Feng Shui for Beginners by Geof Wise

Geof Wise is an expert on Chinese destiny analysis, Feng Shui, face reading, and Yi Jing (i.e., the ancient Chinese art of divination).
The introductory course designed by Wise covers the essential principles of Feng Shui and is intended to teach students how to make accurate Feng Shui evaluations – either for themselves or their clients.
To be able to attend the course, students will have to be equipped with a magnetic compass – a smartphone compass is also perfectly fine – and a house floor plan.
Those who attend the course may expect to learn about:
- The origins and evolution of Feng Shui
- Methods to evaluate an environment and create balance according to Feng Shui principles
- The differences between classical and non-classical Feng Shui
- Methods to identify the auspicious and inauspicious areas within a house
Wise’s course is targeted and concise – perfect for those who wish to learn how to use Feng Shui quickly and effectively. The course is primarily aimed at home buyers, architects, realtors, and interior designers.
If you are looking to learn about the philosophical underpinnings of Feng Shui, Wise’s course may not be for you, as its angle is more practical/professional than theoretical.
3. Feng Shui The Easiest Way by Glenda Feilen

Glenda Feilen is not only a Feng Shui expert but also a Law of Attraction specialist. Her mission is to empower people to use a range of tools to drastically improve their lives, attracting abundance.
Her crash course in Feng Shui provides learners with a general understanding of this fascinating practice, teaching them how to organize their environments in such a way as to maximize their chances of achieving success and happiness.
Upon completing Feilen’s course, learners will know how to:
- Apply Feng Shui principles in their own homes without spending a fortune
- Use Feng Shui to attract prosperity and build better relationships
- Create a balanced and harmonious space
Feilen’s course differs from other Feng Shui courses in that it places great emphasis on prosperity, success, and abundance. Those who take this course should keep in mind that its creator sees Feng Shui and similar practices through the lens of the Law of Attraction.
If you wish to learn how to “exploit” this ancient practice to bring harmony and abundance into your life, then Feilen’s course is certainly for you.
4. Feng Shui | How to Balance the Space around You by Gunn Lukari

Gunn Lukari is a filmmaker with a passion for Feng Shui and minimalism. His course consists of nineteen brief lessons, each dealing with a specific aspect of Feng Shui.
After a brief introductory lesson, students are taught how to Feng Shui any environment, focusing on colors, scents, lighting, artwork, and much more. Upon completing Lukari’s course, you will know how to clean, decorate and organize your space in such a way as to balance the energies within it.
You may think of Lukari’s course as a very hands-on training program designed specifically to equip you with the skills required to start Feng Shui’ng your home straight away.
This course is ideal for people who are interested in Feng Shui and would like to apply its principles to their own homes.
However, if you are looking for a course that will help you become a Feng Shui specialist/practitioner, you may want to look for something more comprehensive.
5. Transform Your Space with Chi: How to Create Your Best Home Using Feng Shui-Inspired Design by Mina Yang

Mina Young is not only a Feng Shui specialist but also an interior designer, which means that she has plenty of experience using Feng Shui principles to organize people’s homes and workspaces.
Unlike the courses reviewed so far, Young’s course devotes places more emphasis on the philosophy behind Feng Shui, educating learners about the Taoist idea that everything is made up of Chi.
Upon completing Young’s course, students will know how to:
- Declutter to make space for Chi
- Develop floor plans to optimize the free flow of Chi
- Decorate a space in such a way to fine-tune its energy
- Design beautiful rooms and spaces with feng shui tips
Young’s approach to Feng Shui is certainly original in that it combines classical Feng Shui principles with modern design concepts to provide her clients with tailored solutions to their needs.
Despite only lasting a little over an hour, Young’s course not only teaches learners how to Feng Shui different types of environments but also provides them with an understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of Feng Shui.
6. The Feng Shui Home Makeover by Dana Claudat

Dana Claudat’s course is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive one reviewed so far. Claudat is a qualified Feng Shui master with ten years of experience in design. Her innovative approach to Feng Shui aims to help people use Feng shui rules and principles to manifest their desired outcomes.
Claudat’s course teaches students how to:
- Use basic Feng Shui concepts and tools (like the Bagua map)
- Make any space visually appealing and functional without spending a fortune
- Make their dreams come true through Feng Shui
- Make their own cleaning products
- Decorate their homes
- Feng Shui different types of spaces
This is perfect for those who are genuinely interested in Feng Shui and determined to learn as much as possible about this ancient practice. It is far more expensive and time-consuming than the ones reviewed so far but also empowers students to change their lives through Feng Shui.
7. Feng Shui for Life by Marie Diamond

Marie Diamond is an accomplished Feng Shui master who has helped many people, including several A-list celebrities, harmonize their lives through Feng Shui.
Her course is designed as a training program in which the learner feels as if Diamond was own their personal coach. Diamond speaks of her course as a quest. The ultimate goal is not to become a Feng Shui master but rather to transform one’s life for the better.
The course can be completed in a little more than eleven hours and includes the following modules:
- Introduction to Feng Shui, Space Feng Shui, and Time Feng Shui
- Guided meditations
- Application of Feng Shui principles
- Discover your personal energy number
- Feng Shui for wellness, health, success, and personal relationships
Diamond’s course is ideal for those who wish to learn more about the spiritual side of Feng Shui. In just eight weeks, students get to learn how to use this ancient practice to transform not only their homes but also their lives.
8. Feng Shui for Us Consultant Training by Moni Castaneda

Moni Castaneda is a trained architect, Feng Shui specialist, and the creator of a nine-step system that makes Feng Shui easy to study and understand. Her course is aimed at people who wish to become Nine Steps to Feng Shui® specialists.
Upon its completion, students will have learned how to:
- Conduct Feng Shui consultations
- Set up their own Feng Shui Consultant business
- Use Castaneda’s nine-step method to reorganize their own homes as well as to assist their clients
- Rid homes of negative energies
Castaneda’s course is ideal for those who wish to work with Feng Shui but are not sure where to start. Besides teaching you everything you need to know to become a Feng Shui consultant, this course also provides you with practical tips on how to set up your business, as well as marketing materials.
9. Feng Shui Design Classes Online: Our Live Webinar & Self-Study Video Courses by Dr. Simona F. Mainini

Dr. Simona F. Mainini is a Feng Shui master whose passion for this fascinating practice led her to found the Feng Shui Training Center – an online school that offers a range of courses and classes related to Feng Shui.
The Feng Shui Training Center also offers two different study options, i.e., pre-recorded videos (the self-study option) and interactive conferences with Dr. Mainini herself. If you are simply interested in learning the basics of Feng Shui, Dr. Mainini has developed multiple introductory courses.
If you want to become a certified Feng Shui practitioner, then you may want to look into one of the professional courses advertised by the feng shui schools.
Depending on the course you choose, you will learn everything there is to know about Feng Shui, including:
- Its origins and philosophical underpinnings
- The science behind it
- Its various applications in interior design, landscape design, and architecture
Unlike the other courses on this list, Dr. Mainini’s courses give you the opportunity to be mentored by an actual certified Feng Shui master, which is a big plus.
Dr. Mainini’s professional programs are perfect for those who already have a background in interior design and architecture and wish to expand their knowledge in order to advance in their careers.
10. Certified Feng Shui Courses by Helen and James Jay

Helen and James Jay are two experienced Feng Shui consultants who have been leading Feng Shui training programs across the world since the early 1990s.
The Jays offer both on-site and online Feng Shui courses covering a range of topics, including:
- The basics of Feng Shui
- How to diagnose floor plans
- How to use the Five Element Theory
- How to optimize the I-Ching and identify unseen energies
- How to use Feng Shui to identify problems and solve them
- How to set up a Feng Shui business
Helen and James Jay’s certified feng shui classes are all structured in such a way as to equip learners with the knowledge and skills required to work as a Feng Shui consultant.
Helen and James Jay’s courses are ideal for those who are interested in both the practical and spiritual aspects of Feng Shui and would like to set up a successful Feng Shui practice.
Their programs are very comprehensive and highly targeted, and they are the only ones offering a certified course in Feng Shui home staging.
11. The Feng Shui Bagua: A Master Class by Nicolette Vajtay and James Jay

Nicolette Vajtay is a Feng Shui practitioner and professional feng shui consultant with a background in Tantric Buddhism and spirituality, whereas James Jay is an experienced Feng Shui expert who has trained hundreds of Feng Shui consultants.
Their Feng Shui Bagua course is extremely targeted in that it focuses primarily on the Bagua, i.e., the energy map that helps assess the energies that make up an environment.
Upon completing their course, learners will know:
- The history of the Bagua.
- How to use the Bagua.
- How to enhance any space with the Five Elements.
The Feng Shui Bagua master class was designed specifically to give you an in-depth understanding of this powerful tool. This class is ideal for those who already know Feng Shui and would like to learn how to make the most out of the Bagua.
12. Feng Shui Tuning – a new approach to an ancient practice by Fiona Whitmore

Fiona Whitmore is a Feng Shui master who has been teaching Feng Shui whilst assisting her clients for four decades.
Her online feng shui course revolves around her own approach to the ancient practice of Feng Shui – an approach based upon her own experience as a Feng Shui practitioner. Whitmore’s goal is to help promote healing and self-growth through Feng Shui.
Upon completing her course, students will have learned:
- Everything there is to know about Feng Shui Tuning, an approach to Feng Shui developed specifically for Western practitioners.
- How to use Feng Shui to achieve success, good health, and better relationships
- Several meditations
- How to use various Feng Shui tools, including the Bagua
- How to use sounds to balance any environment
Whitmore’s course differs from the other ones on this list in that it is designed specifically for Western practitioners. It is ideal for people who wish to study Feng Shui from a spiritual, holistic perspective.
Recommended Books
Feng Shui that Makes Sense – Easy Ways to Create a Home that FEELS as Good as it Looks

If you want to learn both the theoretical and practical aspects of Feng Shui, this book (available on Amazon) is certainly for you.
The author covers a wide range of topics, from colors to furniture arrangements, so you can start Feng Shui’ng your home immediately.
She also debunks various misconceptions around Feng Shui, giving you a clear and objective understanding of this practice.
Feng Shui Your Life: Second Edition

This book (available on Amazon) teaches you how to use Feng Shui to change your home and your life by balancing the different energies influencing both.
The author also provides a range of tips on how to find inner peace in today’s technology-centered world.
If you want to learn how to implement Feng Shui in your daily life and create holistic spaces, this book is certainly for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Many people around the world swear by the power of Feng Shui.
If you want to learn more about this fascinating practice, make sure to check out the courses in this article.
Please leave a comment if you would like to recommend a specific Feng Shui course or if you would like to review one you have taken.
- International feng shui guild
- Healthline: All About the Chinese Body Clock
- National Geographic: Feng Shui
- How to Learn Feng Shui Through Programs or at Home
- Want To Use Feng Shui At Home? Start With These Top Do’s & Don’ts
WEBSTER, Richard. Feng shui for beginners: Successful living by design. Llewellyn Worldwide, 2012.
KNOOP, Aphrodite. Feng Shui for architects. American Institute of Architects, Newsletter, http://www. lezley. info/feng-shui. htm, 2001.
BRUUN, Ole. An introduction to feng shui. 2008.
MAK, Michael Y. et NG, S. Thomas. The art and science of Feng Shui—a study on architects’ perception. Building and Environment, 2005, vol. 40, no 3, p. 427-434.

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